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Orit Hasson Walder

Installation photos: Daniel Hanoch




Northern Gallery

Curator: Ofra Harnam

Orit Hasson Walder

Orit Hasson Walder is an interdisciplinary artist. She earned a BA in Arts from the Midrasha College of Art, Beit Berl and an MFA with honors from the Interdisciplinary Art Program at Tel Aviv University. In 2013-2018 she worked as director and curator of the Art Workshop in Raman Eliyahu. Her works have been exhibited in galleries and museums in Israel and abroad, including: Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Janco-Dada Museum, Nahum Gutman Museum of Arts, and The Lobby Place for Art. She teaches at Midrasha College of Art, Beit Berl, and the Kibbutzim College of Education. Hasson Walder is the recipient of prizes from the Israel Lottery, Rabinovich Art Fund, and the Artist in the Community award. Her practice centers on current social art and the initiation oof artistic projects together with various communities. She has founded a collaborative database for Palestinian Arab art.

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